Why Did You Bear Me

Why did you bear me, why did you spare me, why did you bring me to this place of pain?

I wanted a father to hold me tight and see me through the long dark night

And when I said what’s his name you lit your fag and went insane

It was just a quickie, a little snag, now piss off, you little sod

My heart grew hard at the lack of love and I spend my time down the pub

The bottle filled an empty space; the bottle took my father’s place

And then I met this mate of mine, he lead me to a life of crime

We didn’t care we didn’t know, just how far we would go

We took the drug called crack cocaine and ended up on another plane

And now I’m hooked and nothing’s the same; I feel as if I’ve gone insane

I cried for help but it never came, I looked for my mother but she’d long gone

She never even said goodbye, she never saw that I could cry

No-one knows what lives inside this pain that I try to hide

You look at me as if I’m scum, you only see a worn out bum

Oh, if you could only see this little child that lives in me

And on my knees I prayed to God, pull me from this deadly fog

And then I looked and saw your face, you came to take my father’s place, and wiped the tears from my face

You knew my name, you knew my face I wasn’t just a waste of space

You told me how you love me so and you would never let me go

My mother’s hand was never there, she’s so far gone to even care

She too was classed as scum and just the same, a worn out bum

And then I looked, I looked inside her and in the corner of her heart I saw a child in the dark

A frightened child that had no place in this so called human race

And so it goes on and on, this path of life that’s gone so wrong