The Cocktail

Take one child add one spoon full of neglect, a large amount of abuse, six table spoons of lack of love and the absence of a father, mix this all together and your cocktail is called nightmare. They serve this cocktail mostly in prison, sometimes in prison if you have the right person who knows how the cocktail works they can take out the ingredients so it becomes pure water, which enable them to see the cocktail for what it is.

They then begin to make their own cocktail when love is shown. The ingredients for the perfect cocktail is, take a lot of love and a great deal of understanding. A special bond with people who know how the cocktail works, putting themselves in the place of the ingredients to make the perfect mix.

We don’t like to taste this cocktail. It leaves a bitter taste in our mouths.

We don’t even like to look at it. We push the ingredients out of our minds.

We make our own ingredients up, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, shake this all together and you come up with a hiding place from reality. A place where you only see your face in the mirror of life. You don’t see the reflection of world, we make our own oasis, but when we get to where we think the water is, we only find a dried up illusion. We all long for living water, we take so much but only enough for the moment we need a continual flow of water. So when we hit the desert places we have a reserve to sustain us.

We fill our cars up with petrol that takes us to where we want to go, but living water takes us to the path of eternal life where the flow never ends, where you are never thirsty again. Our life is like a snowball coming down a mountain gathering up all the rubbish on the way. We collect so much its hidden with a layer of snow, but when we surrender our lot to the source of living water which is God. He directs our snowball onto the right path, where it goes into the water gradually melting away all the rubbish until only pure water is left.

Being melted is scary and sometimes painful. When we see ourselves for the first time without the covering of snow, that’s when we see the rubbish we have collected on our journey. That’s when we cry; stop the snowball I want to get off. The snowball lives in the cocktail of life, you drink it down hoping it will quench your thirst, only to find you are thirsty again.

Yet the soul cries out; change the ingredients. You can hear it calling you in the darkness. Can you see the path laid out for you, can the blind lead the blind, and can the lame carry each other. Have I walked in your shoes.

Have you walked in mine. Catch the child when they first become a snowball, stop them before they gather the rubbish of life. Show them the path of life; change the light bulb that’s been dark so long. Give them a light to guide them. Without it they will fall into a pit of despair and once again the snowball starts rolling and the cocktail keeps being served.

There soul hungers for the recipe, where is the answer to my soul anguish. Where can I find life’s answer. The arms I long to hold me, to lead me.

The still small voice calls; come my children this way, I have given you a map of life. A road less travelled, the path looks plain with many trials and stumbling blocks. At the end of the path are golden gates, opening to all who believe and paradise indescribable to you here. Tell them my story.

Tell them my pain. Tell them just knowing me will cause them some pain. Only a short time and the pain will be gone, but with the blind the pain lingers on.

You that can see, be a light for their feet. Be an anchor for their soul, be a guide for the mountain they must climb. Looking up until they reach the top, each prayer you stay is a step to home. A place that the world has never known. A place made accessible by my death on a cross. I bear the scars I boor the pain, if I could I’d do the same, but it is done once for all.

They took me down and I rose again. I called to you and I know your name, my love for you is just the same. My love for you is my greatest pain, when you tum your face the other way, when you reject the arms I hold out to you. The arms that hung on a cross for you, death overcame death. Resurrection gave your life, life with me and no more strife. I drank the cocktail of death and sin. I drank it down with a drop of blood; I drank it down with a lot of love. The price was high and it made me cry. The price was high and I had to die. I died for the sin that is so great.