Never Neverland

Never Neverland

I don’t want to go there, where I never see my mother or father and never see my friends,

Where life is all up hill, when my eyes are blind with tears and my heart full of grief.

Peter Pan doesn’t live here only sorrow does

My hands and feet are blistered, my heart is broken too, will you who are far away come rescue me today.

Please hear me when I cry to you, please keep me in your heart

What is your Name, my name is sorrow

Who is that little boy over there, his name is despair, the girl sleeping in the dog kennel her name is helplessness,

You cannot see us because we live in a land called Never Neverland but you know we are here

Will you open your eyes to us today, will you put your hand in mine, will you pull us from this place?

Although you cannot see us, you still can reach us.

Hold hands with one another around the world and your love will soon reach us

We wait for you to do this, we look for you everyday.

We hold hands upwards, reach out to us so we can be found, when you hear of us don’t turn away, pray for us.

Peter Pan doesn’t live here anymore!