Can you Feel My Pain

Can you feel my pain?

Can you see it?

Can you touch it?

Can you make it go away?

Will I ever be free of pain?

The pain of friendships long forgotten

Lost at sea in the storms ofthe day; longing for an explanation

The pain of sorrow hangs on my shoulders, like an anchor in the sea

Holding me down so I cannot see, to see the things you have for me

I wish I’d really knew my father

I wish he’d held me in his arms

I wish my mother had have told me

To me you are so dear to me, but now you’re gone and it’s all too late

To find that love that I so long for, it’s just emptiness that lives inside

This is my story, this is my day

I go to sleep and it’s dark and grey

I cry aloud for the light of day

When we walk this path of life we cannot walk without a fight

A battle wages all around us, things we cannot see

We take our pain deep down inside us, hoping no one will find it

But I cannot hide my face from the world and all its’ gaze

I try to act like I belong but all the time it’s all so wrong

Oh this human race of ours rushing through this life of ours

We give ourselves such pain and sorrow all because we cannot see

They take a drug to numb the pain that lives inside and has no name

The drink that numbs the senses so, just becomes like falling snow

Piling up like a mountain peak nothing solid, nothing sure, and then it comes knocking at your door

You open up and let it in, this pain of life and pain of sin

Everything they have tried but it all comes back on the nearest tide and with it comes the scum of sin

But who will come to wash this off

To take me to a quiet place and wash this pain from my face

To show me things I never knew, and walk with me to places new

Who will hold this hand of mine and won’t let go until my time

Reach out and pull me from myself, for if you don’t I’m sure I’ll melt and be no more

I cannot find this open door that leads to a better place here on earth

When you took my place on the cross of pain and sorrow; you promised me a new tomorrow

Where are you my God of love, can I find you in the pub, down the street and on the corner, in my cardboard box or shelter

Lost in life’s sea of sorrow, we all blame you for our tomorrow

We cannot see you paid the price, we all want things to be so nice

And, if we don’t get our way, we turn and walk the other way

Oh, to be a little child so see your face and know your smile

I only can depend on you to give me love and see me through

In my shelter, in my pain I saw your face once again

The tears I shed were down your face, I’ve never seen such amazing grace

My heart sprang open like a flower bud to catch the rays of your amazing love

I said to Jesus how much do you love me

My love is like the highest mountain, deeper than the deepest sea

Never ceasing, never ending, you are all I’ve ever wanted

If only you would come and see this great love I have for thee

Let me give you a new tomorrow, to walk a path of peace and joy

To take away your pain and sorrow, to see the sun shine in your life

The son of God will hold you tight and keep you always in his sight