Can you Feel My Pain

Can you feel my pain?

Can you see it?

Can you touch it?

Can you make it go away?

Will I ever be free of pain?

The pain of friendships long forgotten

Lost at sea in the storms ofthe day; longing for an explanation

The pain of sorrow hangs on my shoulders, like an anchor in the sea

Holding me down so I cannot see, to see the things you have for me

I wish I’d really knew my father

I wish he’d held me in his arms

I wish my mother had have told me

To me you are so dear to me, but now you’re gone and it’s all too late

To find that love that I so long for, it’s just emptiness that lives inside

This is my story, this is my day

I go to sleep and it’s dark and grey

I cry aloud for the light of day

When we walk this path of life we cannot walk without a fight

A battle wages all around us, things we cannot see

We take our pain deep down inside us, hoping no one will find it

But I cannot hide my face from the world and all its’ gaze

I try to act like I belong but all the time it’s all so wrong

Oh this human race of ours rushing through this life of ours

We give ourselves such pain and sorrow all because we cannot see

They take a drug to numb the pain that lives inside and has no name

The drink that numbs the senses so, just becomes like falling snow

Piling up like a mountain peak nothing solid, nothing sure, and then it comes knocking at your door

You open up and let it in, this pain of life and pain of sin

Everything they have tried but it all comes back on the nearest tide and with it comes the scum of sin

But who will come to wash this off

To take me to a quiet place and wash this pain from my face

To show me things I never knew, and walk with me to places new

Who will hold this hand of mine and won’t let go until my time

Reach out and pull me from myself, for if you don’t I’m sure I’ll melt and be no more

I cannot find this open door that leads to a better place here on earth

When you took my place on the cross of pain and sorrow; you promised me a new tomorrow

Where are you my God of love, can I find you in the pub, down the street and on the corner, in my cardboard box or shelter

Lost in life’s sea of sorrow, we all blame you for our tomorrow

We cannot see you paid the price, we all want things to be so nice

And, if we don’t get our way, we turn and walk the other way

Oh, to be a little child so see your face and know your smile

I only can depend on you to give me love and see me through

In my shelter, in my pain I saw your face once again

The tears I shed were down your face, I’ve never seen such amazing grace

My heart sprang open like a flower bud to catch the rays of your amazing love

I said to Jesus how much do you love me

My love is like the highest mountain, deeper than the deepest sea

Never ceasing, never ending, you are all I’ve ever wanted

If only you would come and see this great love I have for thee

Let me give you a new tomorrow, to walk a path of peace and joy

To take away your pain and sorrow, to see the sun shine in your life

The son of God will hold you tight and keep you always in his sight

I Wanna Dance on My Father’s Feet

I wanna dance on my father’s feet

I want my face to be a telly so he won’t just look at his belly

I wanna dance on my father’s feet

To hold his hand and his hand is mine

I wanna dance on my father’s feet

To look in his eyes and his eyes meet mine

I wanna dance on my father’s feet

Don’t close your eyes and look away I just want to dance on your feet

Where are you going, maybe tomorrow I can dance on my father’s feet

I looked for tomorrow but it never came

I waited patiently for my father’s feet

But I never saw them again

In my darkness and my sorrow I saw a man whose feet were pierced

In a moment I was dancing, dancing on my father’s feet

Oh, If You Could Only See Me

Oh, if you could only see me as a child, though the pain and sorrow haunt me

If you could see me as I was, my longing for understanding, for purpose in my life

For a way of knowing who I am, where am I going?

Who will show me, hold my hand, lead me?

Oh, if you would just see me, I am still a child even though I am a man inside

I am still a child I wander the streets looking for somewhere to lay my head

Someone to care, someone to love me as I am

Oh, if you saw me as a child, would you not pick me up, would you not comfort me?

Oh, how did it all go wrong, how many times shall I sing the same song?

I hold out my hand but you just walk on by

I want you to see the pain in me

I want you to see my need

Don’t walk on by look at my face, look at my pain, look at my weight, of my shame

The shame of stealing to hide my pain, a drug-filled life on the streets of shame

How many times can I walk this path, the path to nowhere, a path to emptiness and sorrow?

I don’t know if I will see tomorrow when I wake up

It’s just the same I reach for my drugs to numb the pain

I cried for help but it never came I live my life on another plain

I closed my eyes for another night; I’m cold and hungry and have no fight

And when I woke I saw this bloke, on the floor in a duffle coat

People came to look at him, poor sod they said, what a sin

That he should die so young

They came to take his body away just as if it were ‘any ole day’

And when they turned his face my way, his face was mine, gone forever

Just another day, just another body, it seems so sad that I have gone

But why didn’t they see me when it was all so wrong?

Why did they walk on by and just look up at the sky?

They could have saved me, they could have said ‘come on son I give you a bed, somewhere warm to lay your head’

But now I’m gone from the streets of pain and who is it I should blame?

Your life, like mine, was full of pain, I took the blame, I took the pain

I turned and looked and saw his face, the face of God, the face of Grace

His hand took mine and led me home, my eyes were opened and I could see the amazing love he has for me

I Walked a Path

I walked a path, a path of pain and in the dirt I saw your name

Your little face was full of pain, left in the dirt to fade away to be forgotten for another day

You cried aloud for a hand of hope, nothing came, nothing changed

They all walked by me, just the same

Pick me up in your arms, I pray and hold me close for just a day

I do not know what love feels like, they put me here in the dead of the night

When I woke I was alone, my heart is broken and full of grief

I looked for someone to give me relief

I’m just a child, can you not see the dreadful pain that lives in me

Dear God in heaven will you hold me tight, will you comfort me in the night

And when I turned I saw your face, you wiped the tears from my face, and carried me to another place

I be with you for evermore, you took me through the open door

I have no tears only joy for my father who brought me home to stay in his arms

Every day no-more sorrow, no-more pain, a place to live for evermore

You see, he pulled me through the open door

The Heart

The heart a living thing, a loving thing

A deep longing in one’s sole to be embraced by love, and to give love, when eyes meet the Heart beats

It breaks when we say goodbye, a loving hand, a gentle smile can mend the Heart for a little while

You give your Heart to the one you love. The most precious gift you can give, no jewels or gold can compare

With a Heart of gold for yours to share and when we think of you today our Hearts are with you everyday

Urging you on until you find your strength, our prayers for you are heaven sent

Why Did You Bear Me

Why did you bear me, why did you spare me, why did you bring me to this place of pain?

I wanted a father to hold me tight and see me through the long dark night

And when I said what’s his name you lit your fag and went insane

It was just a quickie, a little snag, now piss off, you little sod

My heart grew hard at the lack of love and I spend my time down the pub

The bottle filled an empty space; the bottle took my father’s place

And then I met this mate of mine, he lead me to a life of crime

We didn’t care we didn’t know, just how far we would go

We took the drug called crack cocaine and ended up on another plane

And now I’m hooked and nothing’s the same; I feel as if I’ve gone insane

I cried for help but it never came, I looked for my mother but she’d long gone

She never even said goodbye, she never saw that I could cry

No-one knows what lives inside this pain that I try to hide

You look at me as if I’m scum, you only see a worn out bum

Oh, if you could only see this little child that lives in me

And on my knees I prayed to God, pull me from this deadly fog

And then I looked and saw your face, you came to take my father’s place, and wiped the tears from my face

You knew my name, you knew my face I wasn’t just a waste of space

You told me how you love me so and you would never let me go

My mother’s hand was never there, she’s so far gone to even care

She too was classed as scum and just the same, a worn out bum

And then I looked, I looked inside her and in the corner of her heart I saw a child in the dark

A frightened child that had no place in this so called human race

And so it goes on and on, this path of life that’s gone so wrong

Hello Mate

Hello Mate, where are you going?

I’m going to Tesco’s, they’ve got an offer

But today is Easter, didn’t you know?

No mate- do you get a double offer?

Yes you do but this one is free.

Pull the other one, nothing’s free, nobody cares a fig for me

Maybe not but this man does.

How do you know, do you know him Guv?

Yes I do, he’s always with me, never leaves me

No matter where I go down the pub or to the chippy

What’s he like this friend of yours?

Do I know him; have I met him, will he be a friend of mine?

On every corner in every place, he hangs around to take your place.

His special offer will always be, to be with him in eternity

But how do I get there I ain’t got a car?

You don’t need one it’s not very far

He hangs around in every place, just look for him and you will see his face

Call to him and he’ll come to you, it’s a free gift from God to you

He hung on a cross so you would be saved

Take this gift, this gift of life

He cried for you, he knows your name, he cried for me just the same

Tell me Guv’ what do I do?

Just ask him in to help you through this life you thought you knew

To show you wonders you never saw, and give you hope and make you pure?????

To give you life, hopes and dreams

Blimey Guv’ how much does that cost? Nothing mate it’s completely free

You see he paid the full price for you and me

Where is he Guv so I can see?

I’m right here son you’re looking at me

Never Neverland

Never Neverland

I don’t want to go there, where I never see my mother or father and never see my friends,

Where life is all up hill, when my eyes are blind with tears and my heart full of grief.

Peter Pan doesn’t live here only sorrow does

My hands and feet are blistered, my heart is broken too, will you who are far away come rescue me today.

Please hear me when I cry to you, please keep me in your heart

What is your Name, my name is sorrow

Who is that little boy over there, his name is despair, the girl sleeping in the dog kennel her name is helplessness,

You cannot see us because we live in a land called Never Neverland but you know we are here

Will you open your eyes to us today, will you put your hand in mine, will you pull us from this place?

Although you cannot see us, you still can reach us.

Hold hands with one another around the world and your love will soon reach us

We wait for you to do this, we look for you everyday.

We hold hands upwards, reach out to us so we can be found, when you hear of us don’t turn away, pray for us.

Peter Pan doesn’t live here anymore!

Is this the Only Time We Meet

Is this the only time we meet, when we see each other across the street

A seeing glance a little wave, till we see each other at the grave

Your life has gone and is no-more, there isn’t now an open door

Will we ever see our plight and come together and unite

How sad it is that we should go and never know how we could grow

I looked for comfort but it never came and now I hide my face in shame

I wanted arms to hold me tight and see me through the darkest night

I sit in darkness all alone waiting for the telephone, to change the news for another tone

It never rang, it never changed, the news I got is just the same

The clock of life ticks slowly on, I cannot turn the hands away, to stop them reaching this final day

But as I know there is a life beyond this sorrow and the strife

There is a time and a place where we come together as a race

No tears or sorrow mar your face but only his amazing grace has taken you to a better place

A place of peace beyond compare, a place of love for all to share

And as the time of life goes by I’m drawn towards the bright blue sky

The gentle clouds that roll on by

And then I know that life rolls on and I can sing a brand new song

And then the sun will shine again and take away all your pain

And change your sorrow to another name

How Long Can I

How long can I sing when the birds are gone, how long can I sing when it’s gone so wrong

How long can I sing when love has gone, I looked at the world and all that’s wrong

l tried to sing but it felt so wrong

Then I heard you call my name

‘Feed my sheep’ and do the same

Where do I go for this food of life, its right here within your sight

I am the love that you so seek

Only this love is made complete when you open your heart and allow me to speak

Be still and know that I am God

You cannot see through the fog of life

You cannot see the sun that shines

In your heart and in your mind

You cannot sing because you’re blind

Blind to the things I have in mind, the things I want to bless you with

To set you free and help you live, to fill you up with the love of God

So you can disperse the deadly fog

And when you see the light of God your heart will sing a brand new song